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со всех языков на русский

not on any

  • 21 ни фига

    НИ ЧЕРТА; НИ ХРЕНА; НИ ФИГА all highly coll
    [NPgen; these forms only]
    1. ни фига не знать, не понимать, не получать, не получаться, не делать, не делаться и т.п. Also: НИ ШУТА; НИ ЛЕШЕГО both highly coll [obj or subj/ gen]
    (to know, understand, receive, do etc) absolutely nothing; not (to be done, work out, be understood etc) at all:
    - not (know <understand, do etc>) a damn <damned, goddamn, frigging> thing;
    - not (understand sth. etc) one damned bit;
    - [in limited contexts] not be able to make any goddamn sense of sth.
         ♦ "Не нужно нам никакой квартиры, - сказал Дмитриев задыхающимся голосом. - Не нужно, понятно тебе? Во всяком случае, мне не нужно. Мне, мне! Ни черта мне не нужно, абсолютно ни черта" (Трифонов 4). "We don't need any apartment at all," said Dmitriev in a choked voice. "We don't need it, you understand? In any case I don't need it. I, me! I don't need a damn thing, absolutely not a damn thing" (4a).
         ♦ "...Лётчик [он] был первоклассный, в воздухе ни хрена не боялся!" (Искандер 5). "...He was a first class pilot. In the air, he wasn't afraid of a frigging thing" (5a).
         ♦ Владимир Семенович, а как всё это с вашим писательством согласуется?" - "Как согласуется? Никак не согласуется! Ни хрена не согласуется..." (Аржак 1). "But Vladimir Semyonovich, how does all this fit in with your job as a writer?" "How does it fit in? It doesn't. Not one damned bit" (1a).
         ♦ "Кто это?" - на чистом русском языке спросил высокий. "Пленный, товарищ генерал... Капитан гестапо"... - "При чём здесь гестапо?" - заспорил Ревкин и дал краткие разъяснения по поводу личности капитана. "Но я же его допрашивал... Он сказал, что расстреливал коммунистов и беспартийных". - "Ни хрена понять не могу", - запутался вконец [ генерал] Дрынов (Войнович 2). "Who is this," asked the tall one in perfect Russian. "The prisoner, Comrade General....A captain in the Gestapo."..."What are you talking about, Gestapo?" objected Revkin and offered a brief explanation concerning the person of Captain Milyaga. "But it was me who questioned him....He told me he had shot Communists and non-Party members." "I can't make any goddamn sense of it," said [General] Drinov, thoroughly confused (2a).
    2. [impers predic; often used as indep. clause]
    sth. does not have any (negative) effect on s.o. at all, in no way reflects on s.o.:
    - it doesn't harm <affect etc> s.o. one damn bit;
    - it's nothing for s.o.
         ♦ Ты посмотри на него! Пять километров пробежал и - ни черта, даже не устал. Just look at him! He ran five kilometers and it didn't affect him one damn bit, he isn't even tired.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни фига

  • 22 ни хрена

    НИ ЧЕРТА; НИ ХРЕНА; НИ ФИГА all highly coll
    [NPgen; these forms only]
    1. ни хрена не знать, не понимать, не получать, не получаться, не делать, не делаться и т.п. Also: НИ ШУТА; НИ ЛЕШЕГО both highly coll [obj or subj/ gen]
    (to know, understand, receive, do etc) absolutely nothing; not (to be done, work out, be understood etc) at all:
    - not (know <understand, do etc>) a damn <damned, goddamn, frigging> thing;
    - not (understand sth. etc) one damned bit;
    - [in limited contexts] not be able to make any goddamn sense of sth.
         ♦ "Не нужно нам никакой квартиры, - сказал Дмитриев задыхающимся голосом. - Не нужно, понятно тебе? Во всяком случае, мне не нужно. Мне, мне! Ни черта мне не нужно, абсолютно ни черта" (Трифонов 4). "We don't need any apartment at all," said Dmitriev in a choked voice. "We don't need it, you understand? In any case I don't need it. I, me! I don't need a damn thing, absolutely not a damn thing" (4a).
         ♦ "...Лётчик [он] был первоклассный, в воздухе ни хрена не боялся!" (Искандер 5). "...He was a first class pilot. In the air, he wasn't afraid of a frigging thing" (5a).
         ♦ Владимир Семенович, а как всё это с вашим писательством согласуется?" - "Как согласуется? Никак не согласуется! Ни хрена не согласуется..." (Аржак 1). "But Vladimir Semyonovich, how does all this fit in with your job as a writer?" "How does it fit in? It doesn't. Not one damned bit" (1a).
         ♦ "Кто это?" - на чистом русском языке спросил высокий. "Пленный, товарищ генерал... Капитан гестапо"... - "При чём здесь гестапо?" - заспорил Ревкин и дал краткие разъяснения по поводу личности капитана. "Но я же его допрашивал... Он сказал, что расстреливал коммунистов и беспартийных". - "Ни хрена понять не могу", - запутался вконец [ генерал] Дрынов (Войнович 2). "Who is this," asked the tall one in perfect Russian. "The prisoner, Comrade General....A captain in the Gestapo."..."What are you talking about, Gestapo?" objected Revkin and offered a brief explanation concerning the person of Captain Milyaga. "But it was me who questioned him....He told me he had shot Communists and non-Party members." "I can't make any goddamn sense of it," said [General] Drinov, thoroughly confused (2a).
    2. [impers predic; often used as indep. clause]
    sth. does not have any (negative) effect on s.o. at all, in no way reflects on s.o.:
    - it doesn't harm <affect etc> s.o. one damn bit;
    - it's nothing for s.o.
         ♦ Ты посмотри на него! Пять километров пробежал и - ни черта, даже не устал. Just look at him! He ran five kilometers and it didn't affect him one damn bit, he isn't even tired.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни хрена

  • 23 ни черта

    НИ ЧЕРТА; НИ ХРЕНА; НИ ФИГА all highly coll
    [NPgen; these forms only]
    1. ни черта не знать, не понимать, не получать, не получаться, не делать, не делаться и т.п. Also: НИ ШУТА; НИ ЛЕШЕГО both highly coll [obj or subj/ gen]
    (to know, understand, receive, do etc) absolutely nothing; not (to be done, work out, be understood etc) at all:
    - not (know <understand, do etc>) a damn <damned, goddamn, frigging> thing;
    - not (understand sth. etc) one damned bit;
    - [in limited contexts] not be able to make any goddamn sense of sth.
         ♦ "Не нужно нам никакой квартиры, - сказал Дмитриев задыхающимся голосом. - Не нужно, понятно тебе? Во всяком случае, мне не нужно. Мне, мне! Ни черта мне не нужно, абсолютно ни черта" (Трифонов 4). "We don't need any apartment at all," said Dmitriev in a choked voice. "We don't need it, you understand? In any case I don't need it. I, me! I don't need a damn thing, absolutely not a damn thing" (4a).
         ♦ "...Лётчик [он] был первоклассный, в воздухе ни хрена не боялся!" (Искандер 5). "...He was a first class pilot. In the air, he wasn't afraid of a frigging thing" (5a).
         ♦ Владимир Семенович, а как всё это с вашим писательством согласуется?" - "Как согласуется? Никак не согласуется! Ни хрена не согласуется..." (Аржак 1). "But Vladimir Semyonovich, how does all this fit in with your job as a writer?" "How does it fit in? It doesn't. Not one damned bit" (1a).
         ♦ "Кто это?" - на чистом русском языке спросил высокий. "Пленный, товарищ генерал... Капитан гестапо"... - "При чём здесь гестапо?" - заспорил Ревкин и дал краткие разъяснения по поводу личности капитана. "Но я же его допрашивал... Он сказал, что расстреливал коммунистов и беспартийных". - "Ни хрена понять не могу", - запутался вконец [ генерал] Дрынов (Войнович 2). "Who is this," asked the tall one in perfect Russian. "The prisoner, Comrade General....A captain in the Gestapo."..."What are you talking about, Gestapo?" objected Revkin and offered a brief explanation concerning the person of Captain Milyaga. "But it was me who questioned him....He told me he had shot Communists and non-Party members." "I can't make any goddamn sense of it," said [General] Drinov, thoroughly confused (2a).
    2. [impers predic; often used as indep. clause]
    sth. does not have any (negative) effect on s.o. at all, in no way reflects on s.o.:
    - it doesn't harm <affect etc> s.o. one damn bit;
    - it's nothing for s.o.
         ♦ Ты посмотри на него! Пять километров пробежал и - ни черта, даже не устал. Just look at him! He ran five kilometers and it didn't affect him one damn bit, he isn't even tired.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни черта

  • 24 ни шута

    НИ ЧЕРТА; НИ ХРЕНА; НИ ФИГА all highly coll
    [NPgen; these forms only]
    1. ни шута не знать, не понимать, не получать, не получаться, не делать, не делаться и т.п. Also: НИ ШУТА; НИ ЛЕШЕГО both highly coll [obj or subj/ gen]
    (to know, understand, receive, do etc) absolutely nothing; not (to be done, work out, be understood etc) at all:
    - not (know <understand, do etc>) a damn <damned, goddamn, frigging> thing;
    - not (understand sth. etc) one damned bit;
    - [in limited contexts] not be able to make any goddamn sense of sth.
         ♦ "Не нужно нам никакой квартиры, - сказал Дмитриев задыхающимся голосом. - Не нужно, понятно тебе? Во всяком случае, мне не нужно. Мне, мне! Ни черта мне не нужно, абсолютно ни черта" (Трифонов 4). "We don't need any apartment at all," said Dmitriev in a choked voice. "We don't need it, you understand? In any case I don't need it. I, me! I don't need a damn thing, absolutely not a damn thing" (4a).
         ♦ "...Лётчик [он] был первоклассный, в воздухе ни хрена не боялся!" (Искандер 5). "...He was a first class pilot. In the air, he wasn't afraid of a frigging thing" (5a).
         ♦ Владимир Семенович, а как всё это с вашим писательством согласуется?" - "Как согласуется? Никак не согласуется! Ни хрена не согласуется..." (Аржак 1). "But Vladimir Semyonovich, how does all this fit in with your job as a writer?" "How does it fit in? It doesn't. Not one damned bit" (1a).
         ♦ "Кто это?" - на чистом русском языке спросил высокий. "Пленный, товарищ генерал... Капитан гестапо"... - "При чём здесь гестапо?" - заспорил Ревкин и дал краткие разъяснения по поводу личности капитана. "Но я же его допрашивал... Он сказал, что расстреливал коммунистов и беспартийных". - "Ни хрена понять не могу", - запутался вконец [ генерал] Дрынов (Войнович 2). "Who is this," asked the tall one in perfect Russian. "The prisoner, Comrade General....A captain in the Gestapo."..."What are you talking about, Gestapo?" objected Revkin and offered a brief explanation concerning the person of Captain Milyaga. "But it was me who questioned him....He told me he had shot Communists and non-Party members." "I can't make any goddamn sense of it," said [General] Drinov, thoroughly confused (2a).
    2. [impers predic; often used as indep. clause]
    sth. does not have any (negative) effect on s.o. at all, in no way reflects on s.o.:
    - it doesn't harm <affect etc> s.o. one damn bit;
    - it's nothing for s.o.
         ♦ Ты посмотри на него! Пять километров пробежал и - ни черта, даже не устал. Just look at him! He ran five kilometers and it didn't affect him one damn bit, he isn't even tired.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни шута

  • 25 параллельная система ИБП

    1. parallel UPS system


    параллельная система ИБП


    Parallel Operation: The system shall have the option to install up to four (4) UPSs in parallel configuration for redundancy or capacity.
    1. The parallel UPS system shall be of the same design, voltage, and frequency. UPS modules of different size ratings shall be permitted to be paralleled together for purposes of increased capacity or UPS module redundancy. The UPSs in the parallel configuration shall not be required to have the same load capacity rating.
    2. Parallel Capacity: With N+0 system-level redundancy, up to 2MW of load can be supported by the system.
    3. Parallel Redundancy: With N+1 system-level redundancy, up to 1.5MW of load can be supported by the system, and only the UPS being replaced must be isolated from the source (bypass operation is not required for the entire system during the UPS replacement procedure).
    4. Output control: A load sharing circuit shall be incorporated into the parallel control circuits to ensure that under no-load conditions, no circulating current exists between modules. This feature also allows each UPS to share equal amounts of the total critical load bus. The output voltage, output frequency, output phase angle, and output impedance of each module shall operate in uniformity to ensure correct load sharing. This control function shall not require any additional footprint and shall be an integral function of each UPS. The static bypass switches shall be connected in parallel.
    5. Parallel System Controls: To avoid single points of failure, the UPS system shall have no single dedicated control system designed to control the operation of the parallel UPS system. Control of and direction of parallel UPSs shall take place via a master/slave relationship, where the first UPS to receive logic power asserts itself as a master. In the event of a master failure, a slave UPS shall take the role of master and assume the responsibility of the previous master UPS. Regardless of which UPS is master or slave, user changes to the system status, such as request for bypass, can be done from any UPS connected to the bus and all UPS on the bus shall transfer in simultaneously.
    6. Communication: Communication between modules shall be connected so that the removal of any single cable shall not jeopardize the integrity of the parallel communication system. Load sharing communications shall be galvanically isolated for purposes of fault tolerance between UPS modules. A UPS module's influence over load sharing shall be inhibited in any mode where the UPS inverter is not supporting its output bus. Transfers to and from bypass can be initiated from any online UPS in the system.
    7. Display: Each UPS multi-color LCD touch screen user interface shall be capable of using an active touch screen mimic bus to show the quantity of UPS(s) connected to the critical bus, as well as the general status of each UPS, such as circuit breaker status information. Any touchscreen display shall support the configuration of the [entire parallel] system and shall provide event and alarm data for all UPSs in the parallel configuration. A Virtual Display Application shall be available for download to the customer’s computer and shalll support remote monitoring of a complete system with up to 4 UPSs in parallel.
    8. Battery runtime: Each UPS must have its own battery solution. The battery solution for the entire system can be a combination of standard and third-party batteries, but each UPS must use only one battery solution – either standard or third-party batteries.
    9. Switchgear: A custom switchgear option shall be required for parallel operation.

    [Schneider Electric]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > параллельная система ИБП

  • 26 ни за что

    1) General subject: far be it from me, no way (Ангелина), not at any price, not at any prix, not for (one's) ears, not for a moment (на свете), not for anything, not for love or money, not for toffee, on (under) no consideration, under no consideration, not if you paid me, hanged if I will, not for the world, not in a million years, not in a million
    3) American: not by a jugful
    4) Mathematics: for nothing, never
    7) Archaic: not at any rate

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ни за что

  • 27 С-6

    CAM ПО СЕБЕ AdjP fixed WO
    1. ( usu. modif) (of a person, thing, phenomenon etc) considered as a separate entity, with a focus on his or its intrinsic qualities, apart from related circumstances, events etc
    in (and of) oneself (itself)
    (in limited contexts) in one's (its) own right (when it modif ies a deverbal noun or a clause) the very fact of (doing sth.) the mere fact that... Мне было неловко видеть её (бабушки) печаль при свидании с нами я сознавал, что мы сами по себе ничто в её глазах, что мы ей дороги только как воспоминание... (Толстой 2). I was embarrassed to see her (Grandmother's) sorrow at the sight of us
    I realized that in ourselves we were nothing in her eyes, that we were dear to her only as a reminder... (2b).
    «Сама по себе затея написать книжку о выдающемся деятеле шестидесятых годов ничего предосудительного в себе не содержит» (Набоков 1). "In itself the idea of writing a book about an outstanding public figure of the sixties contains nothing reprehensible" (1a).
    Для Анны Николаевны пролетарская этика была священна сама по себе... (Богданов 1). То Anna Nikolaevna, proletarian ethics were sacred in and of themselves... (1a).
    В конце концов я узнал, что Иванько Сергей Сергеевич, 1925 года рождения: а) родственник бывшего председателя КГБ Семичастного б) ближайший друг бывшего представителя СССР в Организации Объединённых Наций... Николая Т. Федоренко в) сам по себе тоже большая шишка (Войнович 3). In the end, I learned that Ivanko, Sergei Sergeevich, born 1925, was: a. A relative of the former director of the KGB, Semichastny. b. A close friend of Nikolai T. Fedorenko, the former Soviet representative to the United Nations... c. A big shot in his own right (3a).
    На избирательных участках стоят, правда, задёрнутые шторами кабинки для «тайного» голосования... но даже сам по себе заход в эту кабинку будет кем-нибудь отмечен, и в досье совершившего этот «антиобщественный» поступок гражданина появится соответствующая отметка (Войнович 1). The polling places do...have booths with blinds that can be closed for casting a "secret" ballot....But the very fact of entering the booth will be noted in the dossier of the citizen committing that "antisocial" act (1a).
    Основное обвинение отец решительно отверг, но то, что он не сгрёб Лёву за шиворот и не вышвырнул тут же из кабинета, само по себе было очень примечательно (Битов 2). Father emphatically rejected the main accusation, but the mere fact that he didn't scoop Lyova up by the scruff of the neck and fling him right out of the study was very noteworthy (2a).
    2. расти, жить и т. п. -
    (of a child) (to grow up) without receiving any attention, care, guidance etc from one's parents or guardians, (of an adult) (to live) having little or no contact with the person or people with whom one lives
    on one's own
    (in limited contexts) live one's own life.
    Родители были всегда заняты, и мальчик фактически рос сам по себе. The boy's parents were always busy, so actually he grew up on his own.
    У них с отцом (у Андрея с отцом) не существовало каких-то особых отношений - ни плохих, ни хороших, каждый... жил сам по себе (Распутин 2). Не (Andrei) and his father had no special relationship-it wasn't bad, it wasn't good, each lived his own life (2a).
    3. бытье, существовать, жить и т. п. - ( subj-compl with copula (subj: human, abstr, or concr) or adv
    when used with two subjects, the idiom is repeated with each of them
    often used in two clauses connected by contrastive Conj «a») some thing (phenom- Дойдя на Севере до Архангельска... (куриный) мор остановился сам собой по той причине, что идти ему дальше было некуда, - в Белом море куры, как известно, не водятся (Булгаков 10). Having reached Archangel...in the North, the (chicken) plague stopped by itself, for the reason that there was nowhere for it to go-as everybody knows, there are no hens in the White Sea (10b).
    Про кампанию оппозиции забудут, и она задохнется сама собой (Зиновьев 1). The campaign for protest will be forgotten and it'll wither away on its own" (1a).
    Князь Андрей, точно так же как и все люди полка, нахмуренный и бледный, ходил взад и вперёд по лугу... Делать и приказывать ему нечего было. Всё делалось само собою. Убитых оттаскивали за фронт, раненых относили, ряды смыкались (Толстой 6). Prince Andrei, pale and depressed like everyone else in the regiment, paced up and down from one border to another on the meadow...There were no orders to be given, nothing for him to do. Everything happened of itself. The dead were dragged back from the front, the wounded carried away, and again the ranks closed up (5a).
    Мнили, что во время этой гульбы хлеб вырастет сам собой, и потому перестали возделывать поля (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). They imagined that while this gaiety was going on, the corn would grow of its own accord, and they gave up tilling the fields (1b).
    Нож», — крикнул Филипп Филиппович. Нож вскочил ему в руки как бы сам собой... (Булгаков 11). "Knife," cried Philip Philippovich. The knife leaped into his hands as of its own volition... (1 la).
    О его сборничке так никто и не написал, - он почему-то полагал, что это само собою сделается, и даже не потрудился разослать редакциям... (Набоков 1). His book of poems did not get any reviews after all (somehow he had assumed it would happen automatically and had not even taken the trouble of sending out review copies...) (1a).
    2. \С-6 додумался до чего, добился чего и т. п. obsoles (one came up with an idea or solution, achieved sth. etc) independently, without anyone's help: (all) by o.s. (Городничий:) О, я знаю вас: вы если начнёте говорить о сотворении мира, просто волосы дыбом поднимаются. (Ам-мос Фёдорович:) Да ведь сам собою дошёл... (Гоголь 4). (Mayor:) Oh I know you. When you start spouting your crazy theories of the Creation, it's enough to make a man's hair stand on end. (A.E:) But I arrived at it all by myself... (4f). enon etc) is separate from, exists separately from a connected thing (phenomenon etc)
    some person (or group) lives, works etc individually, apart from some other person (or group): (all) by o.s. (itself) on one's (its) own independently (of s.o. sth.) (of things, phenomena etc only) (be) a separate entity (separate entities)
    (when both subjects are specified) X сам по себе, a Y сам по себе = (of people) X went X's way and Y went Y's
    (of things) X is one thing and Y is another.
    (Липочка:) Так смотрите же, Лазарь Елизарыч, мы будем жить сами по себе, а они (тятенька и маменька) сами по себе (Островский 10). (L.:) Then, look here, Lazar Elizarych, we'll live by ourselves, and they'll (mama and daddy will) live by themselves (10a).
    ...Он (Лёва) ещё не может знать, не подозревает о существовании этих фактов, но эти факты тем не менее существуют сами по себе и существуют некоторым образом в его незнании (Битов 2)....He (Lyova) cannot yet know about and does not suspect the existence of these facts, yet the facts nevertheless exist independently and also exist, after a fashion, in his ignorance (2a).
    Ты, Илья Никанорыч, не подумай чего, наше дело -сторона, мы люди маленькие... Ванька сам по себе, а я сам по себе, у меня к евонным ( ungrammat — его) затеям никакого касательства» (Максимов 1). "Ilya Nikanorych, please don't get the wrong idea. We're not mixed up in this, we're just simple people!... Vanka went his way and I went mine. I had nothing to do with what he was up to" (1a).
    Жизнь у него (Обломова) была сама по себе, а наука сама по себе (Гончаров 1). For him (Oblomov) life was one thing and learning another (1b).
    ...У вас на заводе работает инженер с высшим образованием и имеет в своём подчинении 10-12 чел. Он может приказать им что-нибудь только по работе, а после работы или во время выходного дня они ему уже не подчиняются и могут делать, что хотят, как говорится, ты сам по себе, а я сам по себе» (Войнович 2). ( context transl) "...At the factory you have an engineer with a higher education, with some ten to twelve men under him. He can order them to do anything at work, but after work or on their days off they're not subordinate to him any more and they can do whatever they want-as the saying goes, you're your own boss and I'm mine" (2a).
    4. действовать, происходить и т. п. -
    (of a person) (to act) on one's own initiative, not influenced by anyone's suggestions, without outside interference
    (of a thing, event etc) (to happen, proceed etc) without any outside influence or interference: (all) by o.s. (itself) of one's (its) own accord of one's (its) own volition on one's (its) own.
    «Да где ж это видано, чтобы народ сам по себе собирался без всякого контроля со стороны руководства?» (Войнович 2). "Who ever heard of people assembling all by themselves, without any control on the part of the leadership?" (2a).
    Привычные словосочетания притупляли ощущение горя, уводили сознание в сторону, и вскоре язык Килина болтал уже что-то сам по себе, как отдельный и независимый член организма (Войнович 2). The familiar word patterns dulled his sense of grief, distracted his mind, and soon Kilin's tongue was babbling away all by itself, like a separate and independent part of his body (2a).
    Глаза были похожи на два неестественно голубых, светящихся шарика, подвешенных в воздухе над рулём пустой машины, которая идёт без водителя, сама по себе (Евтушенко 1). They were like two unnaturally blue shiny balloons, suspended in mid-air over the steering wheel of an empty car, which moved along of its own accord without a driver (1a).
    ...Ему надо только придумать первую фразу, а там дальше дело пойдёт само по себе (Войнович 6). ( context transl) Не had only to put together the first sentence, and after that the book would write itself (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-6

  • 28 М-73

    НИ В КОЕЙ (НИ В КАКОЙ) МЕРЕ PrepP these forms only adv used with neg verbs fixed WO
    absolutely not
    in no way
    not in any way whatever (whatsoever) by no means not at all not in the least.
    Один из бесчисленных злопыхателей, ненавидевших моего героя, утверждал много лет спустя, что в Орлеане всякий осел может получить ученую степень, были бы только у осла деньги. Однако это неверно. Осёл степени не получит, да и мой герой ни в какой мере не походил на осла (Булгаков 5). One of the innumerable slanderers who hated my hero asserted many years later that any ass could have received a learned degree in Orleans, provided he had money. This, however, is not true. An ass could not receive any degrees, nor did my hero resemble an ass in any way whatever (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-73

  • 29 ни в какой мере

    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; used with neg verbs; fixed WO]
    absolutely not:
    - not in the least.
         ♦ Один из бесчисленных злопыхателей, ненавидевших моего героя, утверждал много лет спустя, что в Орлеане всякий осел может получить ученую степень, были бы только у осла деньги. Однако это неверно. Осёл степени не получит, да и мой герой ни в какой мере не походил на осла (Булгаков 5). One of the innumerable slanderers who hated my hero asserted many years later that any ass could have received a learned degree in Organs, provided he had money. This, however, is not true. An ass could not receive any degrees, nor did my hero resemble an ass in any way whatever (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни в какой мере

  • 30 ни в коей мере

    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; used with neg verbs; fixed WO]
    absolutely not:
    - not in the least.
         ♦ Один из бесчисленных злопыхателей, ненавидевших моего героя, утверждал много лет спустя, что в Орлеане всякий осел может получить ученую степень, были бы только у осла деньги. Однако это неверно. Осёл степени не получит, да и мой герой ни в какой мере не походил на осла (Булгаков 5). One of the innumerable slanderers who hated my hero asserted many years later that any ass could have received a learned degree in Organs, provided he had money. This, however, is not true. An ass could not receive any degrees, nor did my hero resemble an ass in any way whatever (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни в коей мере

  • 31 ни за что

    НИ ЗА ЧТО; НИ ЗА ЧТО НА СВЕТЕ both coll
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; used with negated verbs (more often pfv fut or subjunctive); fixed WO]
    under no conditions or circumstances:
    - not for anything (in the world < on earth>);
    - on no < not on any> account;
    - nothing on earth (would (could) make one do sth.);
    - [in limited contexts] not on your life!;
    - no way! no dice!;
    - never. Cf. not for all the tea in China.
         ♦ "...Мне ни за что не хотелось бы расстаться с вами" (Булгаков 9). "I would not like to part with you for anything" (9a).
         ♦ Понять его [приказ] Руслан не то что не мог, но не согласился бы ни за что на свете (Владимов 1). It was not that Ruslan could not understand the order; he would not have accepted it for anything in the world (1a).
         ♦ "...Вот какие у меня подозрения: они, то есть секунданты, должно быть, несколько переменили свой прежний план и хотят зарядить пулею один пистолет Грушницкого... Как вы думаете? Должны ли мы показать им, что догадались?" - "Ни за что на свете, доктор" (Лермонтов 1). "...Here are my suspicions: they, that is to say the seconds, have apparently altered somewhat their former plan and want to load, with a bullet, only Grushnitski's pistol.... What do you think, should we show them that we have found them out?" "Not for anything on earth, doctor!" (1a).
         ♦...Кузнец, который был издавна не в ладах с ним, при нём ни за что не отважится идти к дочке, несмотря на свою силу (Гоголь 5)....The blacksmith, who had for a long time been on bad terms with him, would on no account have ventured, strong as he was, to visit the daughter when the father was at home (5a).
         ♦ Он договорить ещё не успел, я уже понял: ни за что не поеду! (Солженицын 2). Before he had finished speaking, my mind was made up. Nothing on earth would make me go! (2a).
         ♦ [Бусыгин:] Мы едем домой. [Сильва:] Ни за что (Вампилов 4). [В.:] We're going home. [S.:] Not on your life! (4a). [B.:] We're going home. [S.:] No dice (4b).
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; more often used with pfv verbs; fixed WO]
    1. погибнуть, пропасть и т.п. ни за что (of a person) (to perish, be destroyed etc) to no purpose, finitely:
    - (all) in vain.
         ♦ Здесь ни за что погиб мой отец... Ни за грош пропала моя собственная жизнь (Зиновьев 1). "My Father died here for nothing.... My own life has been ruined for nothing" (1a).
    2. обидеть, оскорбить, ударить, ругать, арестовать кого и т.п. ни за что (to offend, insult, hit, berate, arrest etc s.o.) without any reason or grounds for doing so:
    - for nothing, for no reason;
    - (quarrel) over nothing.
         ♦ Настёна обычно отмалчивалась, она научилась этому ещё в то... лето, когда обходила с Катькой ангарские деревни и когда каждый, кому не лень, мог ни за что ни про что ее облаять (Распутин 2). Nastyona usually held her peace. She had learned how that summer when she and Katya made the rounds of the Angara villages and anyone who felt like it could shower her with curses for no reason at all (2a).
         ♦ Чёрт сбил с толку обоих чиновников: чиновники, говоря попросту, перебесились и перессорились ни за что (Гоголь 3). The Devil led the two officials astray the officials, to put it plainly, went crazy and fell out with each other for no reason whatsoever (3c).
         ♦...Я защищал людей, которых сажали, как принято выражаться, за убеждения, или, иначе говоря, ни за что (Войнович 1)....I spoke out in defense of people who, as we usually say, were imprisoned for their convictions, or, to put it another way, for nothing at all (1a). Ф "Значит, вас арестовали ни за что ни про что? Мы сажаем невинных людей?" (Рыбаков 2). "So, you were arrested for nothing, for no reason? We put innocent people in prison, do we?" (2a).
         ♦...Эти умники из Кенгура... вполне могут засадить человека ни за что ни про что (Искандер 4)....Those wiseacres from Kengur...were quite capable of putting a man in prison just for the hell of it (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни за что

  • 32 никоим образом

    1) General subject: in no case, in no form, in no shape, in no shape or form, in no wise, no way, not by a long shot, not on any account, noway, noways, nowise, on no account, by no means, in any way, shape or form (usually in a negative sentence (not... in any way, shape or form): No kids should be bullied in any way, shape or form.), not by a long chalk, for one's life
    2) Colloquial: nohow
    6) Emotional: never

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > никоим образом

  • 33 Ш-20

    НИ ШАГУ NP gen Invar
    1. \Ш-20 (дальше, вперед, назад и т. п.) ( indep. sent used as imper
    do not move (used as a command forbidding s.o. to move from the precise spot where he is standing)
    not a (one) step farther!
    freeze! stay where you are! stay put! don't move (budge) (an inch)!
    2. — к кому, куда coll (predic
    subj: human usu. used as imper
    not to visit s.o. or go to some place at all ( usu. used as an order or warning): Imper к Y-y (в место Z) - ни шагу = don't (don't you dare etc) set foot in Y's house (at Y's apartment, in place Z etc)
    don't even think about going to Yb house (Yb apartment, place Z etc) don't even think about going to see Y.
    3. - откуда coll (predic
    subj: human (often omitted)) not to leave some place (for a certain period of time or ever) (often used as a command): Imper из места Z ни шагу — don't set foot outside (out of) place Z.
    (Мурзавецкая:) Смотреть за Аполлоном Викторычем, чтоб ни шагу из дому! (Островский 5). (М.:) Watch out for Apollon Viktorovich. Don't let him set foot out of the house! (5a).
    4. \Ш-20 не сделать, не предпринять (obj) not (to do or make any attempt to do) anything (in a situation where some action is expected, required etc): not make a (single) move
    not take any steps (in limited contexts) make no effort (to do sth.).
    5. - (не отставать, не отходить и т. п.) от кого-чего ( adv or predic
    subj: usu. human or animal)) not (to fall behind s.o. or sth.) even the slightest distance (when walking, running etc)
    X не отставал (не отходил) от Y-a \Ш-20 = X stayed right on person Yb heels (tail).
    6. - от кого-чего (не отходить и т. п.) ( adv or predic (with subj: human or animal)) not (to be far from s.o.) for even the slightest amount of time
    X не отходит от Y-a \Ш-20 — X is never more than a few steps (feet) away from Y
    X doesn't leave Y (Yb side) for an instant (a second, a minute) X sticks (stays) close to Y all the time (at all times etc) X stays glued to Y% side.
    7. - без кого (predic
    subj: human not to do or undertake anything (without s.o. 's consent, permission)
    X без Y-a \Ш-20 = X doesn't (dare (dare to)) take a step (make a move) without Y (Yb permission, Y's go-ahead, Yb OK etc)
    (Саяпин:)...Без жены он, сам знаешь, ни шагу. (Зилов:) А он жену вчера на юг отправил. (Саяпин:) Вот оно что. То-то загулял мужик... (Вампилов 5). (S.:)... You know he doesn't make a move without his wife. (Z.:) But he sent her off to the south yesterday. (S.:) So that's why the guy is cutting loose... (5b).
    8. \Ш-20 без кого-чего (predic
    impers or with subj: human to be unable to function, act etc without s.o. or sth.: X без Y-a \Ш-20 = X won't (can't, doesn't etc) do anything (do a thing, go anywhere etc) without Y X is lost (helpless) without Y (in limited contexts) X can't get along (make it) without Y.
    «Ведь не обходится же военная музыка без специалистов с высшим образованием?» - «Но без тебя-то, Аркадий, любая музыка обойдётся! Я в этом нисколько не сомневаюсь!» -«Ещё бы, конечно! Но ведь мне-то без неё - куда? Я без неё -ни шагу...» (Залыгин 1). "How can martial music get along without specialists with higher education?" "Any music can get along without you, Arkady! I've no doubt about that." "Of course it can! But how can I get along without it? Without it I can't do a thing..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ш-20

  • 34 ни шагу

    [NPgen; Invar]
    1. ни шагу (дальше, вперёд, назад и т. п.) [indep. sent used as imper]
    do not move (used as a command forbidding s.o. to move from the precise spot where he is standing):
    - not a < one> step farther!;
    - freeze!;
    - stay where you are!;
    - stay put!;
    - don't move (budge) (an inch)!
    2. ни шагу к кому, куда coll [predic; subj: human; usu. used as imper]
    not to visit s.o. or go to some place at all (usu. used as an order or warning):
    - Imper к Y-y (в место Z) - ни шагу don't (don't you dare etc) set foot in Y's house (at Y's apartment, in place Z etc);
    - don't even think about going to Y's house <Y's apartment, place Z etc>;
    - don't even think about going to see Y.
    3. ни шагу откуда coll [predic; subj: human (often omitted)]
    not to leave some place (for a certain period of time or ever) (often used as a command):
    - Imper из места Z ни шагу don't set foot outside (out of) place Z.
         ♦ [Мурзавецкая:] Смотреть за Аполлоном Викторычем, чтоб ни шагу из дому! (Островский 5). [М.:] Watch out for Apollon Viktorovich. Don't let him set foot out of the house! (5a).
    4. ни шагу не сделать, не предпринять [obj]
    not (to do or make any attempt to do) anything (in a situation where some action is expected, required etc):
    - [in limited contexts] make no effort (to do sth.).
    5. ни шагу (не отставать, не отходить и т. п.) от кого-чего [adv or predic (subj: usu. human or animal)]
    not (to fall behind s.o. or sth.) even the slightest distance (when walking, running etc):
    - X не отставал (не отходил) от Y-a ни шагу X stayed right on person Y's heels (tail).
    6. ни шагу от кого-чего (не отходить и т. п.) [adv or predic (with subj: human or animal)]
    not (to be far from s.o.) for even the slightest amount of time:
    - X doesn't leave Y (Y'sside) for an instant (a second, a minute);
    - X sticks (stays) close to Y all the time (at all times etc);
    - X stays glued to Y's side.
    7. ни шагу без кого [predic; subj: human]
    not to do or undertake anything (without s.o.'s consent, permission):
    - X без Y-a ни шагу X doesn't (dare < dare to>) take a step (make a move) without Y <Y's permission, Y's go-ahead, Y's OK etc>.
         ♦ [Саяпин:]...Без жены он, сам знаешь, ни шагу. [Зилов:] А он жену вчера на юг отправил. [Саяпин:] Вот оно что. То-то загулял мужик... (Вампилов 5). [S.:]... You know he doesn't make a move without his wife. [Z.:] But he sent her off to the south yesterday. [S.:] So that's why the guy is cutting loose... (5b).
    8. ни шагу без кого-чего [predic; impers or with subj: human]
    to be unable to function, act etc without s.o. or sth.:
    - X без Y-a ни шагу X won't (can't, doesn't etc) do anything (do a thing, go anywhere etc) without Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X can't get along (make it) without Y.
         ♦ "Ведь не обходится же военная музыка без специалистов с высшим образованием?" - "Но без тебя-то, Аркадий, любая музыка обойдётся! Я в этом нисколько не сомневаюсь!" - "Ещё бы, конечно! Но ведь мне-то без неё - куда? Я без неё - ни шагу..." (Залыгин 1). "How can martial music get along without specialists with higher education?" "Any music can get along without you, Arkady! I've no doubt about that." "Of course it can! But how can I get along without it? Without it I can't do a thing..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни шагу

  • 35 О-22

    НИКОИМ ОБРАЗОМ coll НИКАКИМ ОБРАЗОМ obs NP instrum these forms only adv used with negated verbs fixed WO
    not under any circumstances, not at all
    in no way
    by no means not by any manner of means not by a long shot absolutely not (when used as an indep. remark) (that's) (absolutely) impossible.
    И человек с искаженным от горя лицом вынужден был отказаться от своих попыток прорваться к повозкам, с которых уже сняли столбы. Эти попытки ни к чему не привели бы, кроме того, что он был бы схвачен, а быть задержанным в этот день никоим образом не входило в его план (Булгаков 9). And the man, his face contorted with grief, was compelled to abandon his attempts to break through to the carts, from which the posts had already been taken. These attempts would have resulted in nothing but his capture, and it was certainly in no way part of his plan to be arrested that day (9a).
    (Хлестаков:) Вы никак не можете мне помешать никаким образом не можете напротив того, вы можете принесть удовольствие (Гоголь 4). (Kh.:) You can't possibly disturb me, not by any manner of means, on the contrary, you can bring me happiness (4b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-22

  • 36 П-350

    КАКОЙ ПОПАЛО coll КАКОЙ НИ ПОПАЛО obs, substand КАКОЙ ПРИДЁТСЯ AdvP modif fixed WO
    any one, not one specifically or carefully chosen (when said critically, expresses the speaker's opinion that not selecting carefully is negligent, unacceptable etc): whichever (one) ( s.o. sees first ( s.o. wants etc))
    whichever (one) comes to hand any one (kind) (at all) it doesn't matter (which one (what kind)) (often when said critically) just any one (kind) God knows what kind.
    «Какую сковородку взять?» - «Какую попало». "Which frying pan should I use?" "Whichever one comes to hand."
    «Почему бы тебе не одолжить велосипед у своего брата?» - «Потому что мне нужен гоночный велосипед, а не какой попало!» "Why not borrow your brother's bike9" "Because I need a racing bike, not just any kind of bike'"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-350

  • 37 никаким образом

    [NPinstrum; these forms only; adv; used with negated verbs; fixed WO]
    not under any circumstances, not at all:
    - [when used as an indep. remark](that's) (absolutely) impossible.
         ♦ И человек с искаженным от горя лицом вынужден был отказаться от своих попыток прорваться к повозкам, с которых уже сняли столбы. Эти попытки ни к чему не привели бы, кроме того, что он был бы схвачен, а быть задержанным в этот день никоим образом не входило в его план (Булгаков 9). And the man, his face contorted with grief, was compelled to abandon his attempts to break through to the carts, from which the posts had already been taken. These attempts would have resulted in nothing but his capture, and it was certainly in no way part of his plan to be arrested that day (9a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Вы никак не можете мне помешать; никаким образом не можете; напротив того, вы можете принесть удовольствие (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] You can't possibly disturb me, not by any manner of means; on the contrary, you can bring me happiness (4b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > никаким образом

  • 38 никоим образом

    [NPinstrum; these forms only; adv; used with negated verbs; fixed WO]
    not under any circumstances, not at all:
    - [when used as an indep. remark](that's) (absolutely) impossible.
         ♦ И человек с искаженным от горя лицом вынужден был отказаться от своих попыток прорваться к повозкам, с которых уже сняли столбы. Эти попытки ни к чему не привели бы, кроме того, что он был бы схвачен, а быть задержанным в этот день никоим образом не входило в его план (Булгаков 9). And the man, his face contorted with grief, was compelled to abandon his attempts to break through to the carts, from which the posts had already been taken. These attempts would have resulted in nothing but his capture, and it was certainly in no way part of his plan to be arrested that day (9a).
         ♦ [Хлестаков:] Вы никак не можете мне помешать; никаким образом не можете; напротив того, вы можете принесть удовольствие (Гоголь 4). [Kh.:] You can't possibly disturb me, not by any manner of means; on the contrary, you can bring me happiness (4b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > никоим образом

  • 39 какой ни попало

    [AdvP; modif; fixed WO]
    any one, not one specifically or carefully chosen (when said critically, expresses the speaker's opinion that not selecting carefully is negligent, unacceptable etc):
    - whichever (one) (s.o. sees first < s.o. wants etc>);
    - it doesn't matter (which one < what kind>);
    - [often when said critically] just any one (kind);
    - God knows what kind.
         ♦ "Какую сковородку взять?" - "Какую попало". "Which frying pan should I use?" "Whichever one comes to hand."
         ♦ "Почему бы тебе не одолжить велосипед у своего брата?" - "Потому что мне нужен гоночный велосипед, а не какой попало!" "Why not borrow your brother's bike?" "Because I need a racing bike, not just any kind of bike'"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > какой ни попало

  • 40 какой попало

    [AdvP; modif; fixed WO]
    any one, not one specifically or carefully chosen (when said critically, expresses the speaker's opinion that not selecting carefully is negligent, unacceptable etc):
    - whichever (one) (s.o. sees first < s.o. wants etc>);
    - it doesn't matter (which one < what kind>);
    - [often when said critically] just any one (kind);
    - God knows what kind.
         ♦ "Какую сковородку взять?" - "Какую попало". "Which frying pan should I use?" "Whichever one comes to hand."
         ♦ "Почему бы тебе не одолжить велосипед у своего брата?" - "Потому что мне нужен гоночный велосипед, а не какой попало!" "Why not borrow your brother's bike?" "Because I need a racing bike, not just any kind of bike'"

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > какой попало

См. также в других словарях:

  • not just any... — not just any... phrase used for emphasizing that you are referring to someone or something that is special and important He’s not just any doctor – he’s a head surgeon. Thesaurus: words used for saying that something is importantsynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • not having any — not ˈhaving any idiom (informal) not willing to listen to or believe sth • I tried to persuade her to wait but she wasn t having any. Main entry: ↑haveidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • not just any - — a particular or special thing of its type rather than an ordinary one of that type he had an acting job at last, and not just any part, but the lead in a new film …   Useful english dictionary

  • Not Getting Any Better — Single by Innerpartysystem from the album Never Be Content Released July 4, 2011 Format Digital download …   Wikipedia

  • not by any stretch of the imagination — not by any/by no/stretch of the imagination phrase used for saying that you think something cannot be true or possible no matter how hard you try to imagine it It’s not a great work of cinema by any stretch of the imagination. Thesaurus: ways of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • not by any manner of means — phrase not at all I haven’t given up hope by any manner of means. Thesaurus: not at allsynonym Main entry: manner * * * not by any manner of means see ↑means …   Useful english dictionary

  • not by any stretch of the imagination — not by any stretch (of the imagination) even if you try, it is still difficult to accept. She was never a great player, not by any stretch of the imagination. He s nice looking but by no stretch of the imagination could you describe him as… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not by any stretch — (of the imagination) even if you try, it is still difficult to accept. She was never a great player, not by any stretch of the imagination. He s nice looking but by no stretch of the imagination could you describe him as handsome. Our survey was… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not by any stretch of the imagination — (not) by any stretch of the imagination if you say that by no stretch of the imagination can you describe something or someone in a particular way, you mean that this way of describing them is certainly not correct. She was never a great player,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not be any the wiser — phrase to not find out that something has happened, especially something bad Just stick it back on and no one will be any the wiser. Thesaurus: to not know something or someonesynonym Main entry: wise …   Useful english dictionary

  • not just any (old) — informal phrase used for referring to someone or something that is special or important They crossed the continent by car, and not just any car, but a 1933 Rolls Royce. Thesaurus: words used for saying that something is importantsynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

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